Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wikipedia - a business model that should have flopped

I decided to pick this topic for a few main reasons.  First, it was a suggested research topic.  Second, I am somewhat familiar with Wikipedia like most of you.
I believe that Wikipedia's success was unexpected - who expects a site that can be anonymously edited to be so full of mostly correct facts?  Over the years, I have heard arguments about how Wikipedia pages are full of misinformation but I have yet to see any actual pages where it directly contradicted with the research of universities, or something else comparable.

So I guess I will write about (1) why it should have failed, (2) why it didn't fail, and (3) why it is still working so well.  Probably more as I actually start writing this paper.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting topic to research on. I use it daily for information search. But never thought of all the aspect of how it works, why is so successful etc... Looking forward to see what you research on. Thanks for sharing!
