Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Creativity and New Media

Not by me, but I figured it was creative and interesting: DC Superheroes in World of Warcraft
Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Superman slaying dragons in the world of Azeroth?  Sounds cool.

Here's something my friend and I both made over the course of experimenting in the game Terraria:
The game is an open world 2D sandbox that can be played with up to four people.

In the beginning, you can see our "rooms" - the bedroom is where you "spawn" (born, created) and there are rooms for all the non-player characters (NPCs) where you can buy and sell items you've picked up.  Each room must have a chair, a table, and a light source, while being separated by doors.
Under everything is the basement, where things that don't fit in the inventory are stored.  Also, my friend and I store our currency there because dying in this game punishes you by dropping your money, and we die a lot.  We decorated it a bit with statues and different colored torches.

I then show a little bit of the right side, and then go to the left side where I have an Obsidian generator.  In this game, obsidian is made when water and lava make contact.  I built a structure in the sky with two funnels of water and lava, and I am free to harvest at the one point they meet.

After that, I show the hole my friend and I dug to hell.

My first impressions of this game were that it was dumb and boring, but it was surprisingly fun to explore.

So this is an example of a virtual world that my friend and I molded to our liking.  Anyone else with the game can see it if I send them an invitation.

However, my little Terraria world is pretty bland - I've seen some amazingly detailed and complex things on the Internets.  

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