Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Next New Thing

I'm no Steve Jobs... this one is tough.

Netflix and Hulu are wildly popular, and recently Gaikai has come up with streaming video games of all things.  It requires a pretty solid Internet connection though.  Some day, it may be possible that everything will be streamed and all you need is Javascript and a solid Internet.  Imagine how much you can do with how little you carry!

Maybe Google Earth can have an expansion in which one can view public places through the eyes of a virtual person walking around.  That would be awesome.

Also, many companies are rumored to start providing full-blown digital services.  Hard copies will be a thing of the past.  Considering the evolution of Internet efficiency, I think this is a great idea and would complement the new media field very well.  The only problem is dependence on storage of the licenses you bought.

1 comment:

  1. The google earth thing is pretty cool and I think would actually be possible once google releases project glass
